Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I keep having this recurring nightmare.

I'm on a boat, a boat that from afar looks wonderful and life-saving. We're all having a great time learning to play shuffle board. Then someone whispers that there's a small crack in the hull of the ship. They all say don't worry, it's no big deal. Hours later as I'm attempting to enjoy my time there, someone whispers that the problem is getting worse and we may have to fight for lifeboats. There's not enough room for everyone they say. I make my way towards the lifeboat, there's only one, and they say it's full. I wage a compelling argument and they squeeze me on the boat. They tell us we're only to be on the lifeboat for a small amount of time as the problem on the main boat is repaired. The crew tells funny stories and tries to ration out our supplies. Soon tempers flare in the small enclosed space. They keep saying how that if we're all just patient we'll be rewarded. Just hang on a little bit longer.

I always wake up wondering how much longer I can hang on...

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