Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Of new grills and itchy butts...

I caved. I let Husband buy a new grill. He did agree though that if this purchase was made he couldn't mention HD *anything* for 2 months. I figure it's a small price to pay for my sanity.
(Although doesn't he look so stinking happy?)
His first feast.
(Baked potatoes, steak, chicken substitute (for me) and grilled cheesy Italian tomatoes.)

A new chapter (aka gimmick) has been added to my arsenal for my dog itchy butt. The vet I work for carries a spot on treatment by Douxo. It's supposed to be able to work miracles for dogs/cats with allergies or any type of skin ailment. *fingers crossed*

From a thank you card I received from my pregnant co-worker we had a baby shower for last week: "It's so nice to have a new friend. Us hippie liberals have to stick together". I'm going to be heartbroken when she leaves next month. She followed the Grateful Dead the summer after high school and calls everything a mother f-er. She is fabulous!

I had to go to Wal-Mart today. I needed another set of scrubs for work.
Reasons why I hate going there:
1. They don't carry the 1 thing I need. (xs scrub pants)
2. They had exactly 4 lanes open.
3. I had 2 items and had to wait for the jerks with 25 things in their cart go through self-checkout.
4. A small child slammed into me and then proceeded to call me a bitch.
5. The very classy clientel.

I'm currently mad at both Barnes and Noble and UPS.

Work is... work. I don't hate it per se but I don't love it. The whole situation is just bizarre there. I had pretty much no training and don't have a real strong sense of what I should do or how to do it. They keep saying how bad they feel for not training me better but "you're just getting it so well and you seem so confident at it." I'm thinking I'm just a really fantastic faker.

Is it sad that I'm thrilled about the possibility of rain this weekend? I'm so sick of this heat!

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