Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I need a little less...

In a rare moment of complete and total honesty I admitted to Husband last night that... I would kinda like to ditch cable. Outside of Heroes/The Simpsons there aren't any other TV shows that I'm completely addicted to and even those I could watch online after the fact. I'm annoyed when Fall rolls around because our nightly ritual goes something likes this:
  • get home
  • find/cook dinner
  • turn on tv
  • eat food in front of tv
  • continue watching tv
  • go to sleep
Cable seems even more irrelevant now that we have Netflix. The problem now becomes that we have too much stuff to watch. Husband though is completely addicted to TV. He even begged me to go get another DVR for the bedroom. (I didn't of course) I've even tried convincing him that some of his "favorite" shows are crap. (I mean c'mon! CSI Miami, Prison Break, Fringe *gag*) All to no avail.

I just wish he could see that our lives wouldn't be completely devestated with a little less TV in our marriage. Oh well I suppose.


Turner said...

Dumping the primo cable box does NOT kill your life, trust me. Yu get all the stuff you thin you need on basic anyway.

Besides, you're married, negotiate that shizzle. Promise him more of something he wants if you have the free time to do it in.

you're adults, you'll figure it out :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to ditch cable too. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to get my fix of Law & Order, Law & Order: CI, and Law & Order: SVU on a regular basis.

What I'd like to see is the ability to choose our own channels. I'd be happy with the basic network stations, along with TNT, USA, BRAVO, and perhaps VH1.

My life every season consists of

get home
find/cook dinner
turn on tv
eat food in front of tv
continue watching tv
go to sleep