*this blog may contain some TMI for my male readers, you have been warned*
1. **possible TMI alert** Went to a new *cough*gyno*cough* today. I was uncomfortable enough with my doc being male (I've only seen women in the past). Then 3 women follow him into the room. It's bad enough to have 1 set of eyes starring at your womanliness let alone 4... ugh I want to crawl into a hole and cry. At least I have birth control again. That's all that matters.
2. The nurse who checked me into my appointment is lucky I didn't hit her. *steps on soapbox* I'm small. I realize this. I'm 5'5ish and 110 pounds. I realize that 90% of people who see me think I have an eating disorder. Fine. But keep your f-ing comments to yourself. I have no need for you to smirk and tell me how it must be nice to be so thin. No it's not nice because of assholes like you. I'm sorry that I have a super-high metabolism and that I can say no to McDonald's. I bet you don't say shit to fat people so why is it ok to make fun of people who are skinny? Tell me. Bastards.
*steps off soapbox* Sorry, especially to anyone who thinks I'm being paranoid or overly-sensitive (like my husband).
3. I have a consult with Suz's chiropractor on Friday. Yippie. I want to say a very public "Thank you, you are awesome!" to her for finally giving me the motivation to get my back problems taken care of. Now I just need to convince Husband to cough up the money for me to actually see her and get my back adjusted.
4. I did close to 30 minutes of yoga Sunday on my Wii Fit. I felt like I was dying (God I'm out of shape). I was filthy (construction home=dirty home). And I was also molested close to a hundred times by my dogs. This is why I don't like doing yoga at home.
5. I've really been making a sincere effort to read a little every night in my vain attempt at reducing the amount of unread books I currently own. Although reading bizarres books like Brave New World right before bed probably isn't the best idea. (talk about some weird dreams) Now if only Barnes & Noble would stop sending me coupons...
6. I've been trying to clean out some of the clutter around the house. I finally took apart several half-used notebooks and put them in recycling. I kept hanging on to them thinking we'll use them but it's been over a year since I looked at them last so... I console myself by saying they aren't going to a landfill... I also emptied some 3 ring binders. It feels nice. We also gave some clothes and our old pots and pans to Family & Children's Services a few weeks ago. I think all the construction motivates me... in some bizarre way.
7. I'm annoyed with this season of Heroes and I can't put my finger on it. It's not for the same reason other people seem to be annoyed with it. It's just... I have no idea. I'm usually so worked up after watching an episode that I can't shut up analyzing it and lately that hasn't been happening...
I ran out of steam people, sorry.
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