Sunday, November 23, 2008

Disappointment reigns supreme...

(Cast of Twilight)

I had horribly low expectations for this movie. I mean really low. And somehow I still managed to be annoyed/disappointed. Go figure.

I love books. I love to read for the sake of reading. I may have a degree in English Ed but I hate analyzing literature. I like to enjoy a good story. To me, Twilight is a great story. Twilight the movie, however, is an abomination. To be fair though... I'm one of those obnoxious people who wants the movie to follow the book. Husband hates taking me to see the Harry Potter movies (I nearly walked out of the 4th movie I was so angry). However, those I can handle because they at least stay true to the essence of what Harry Potter is. This was... awful. The casting was terrible. The acting... laughable. They changed who the characters were at their very core and that is unforgivable to me.

Went to the NIN concert last night with Husband. I have never been to a worse concert in my life, I'm dead serious. The opening act was bizarre and all the strobe lights pointed directly in my face nearly made me blind. I'm not a huge NIN fans to begin with but I've liked some of their big hits. I think I knew approximately 4 songs the entire concert. Even Husband gave up and sat down during most of the concert. And when did Trent Reznor go from looking like a goth-type to looking like the lead singer from 3 Doors Down? And frankly 3 Doors Down would have been a much better concert.

Oh well. Time to go snuggle up with a good book I suppose.

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