Saturday, January 12, 2008

11 days ago...

Did anyone think of a bad zombie movie when they saw my title? Maybe it's just me...

We are 12 days into the new year and so far I am failing miserably at whatever meager goals I set for myself. This is why I really should give up resolutions. They are nice thoughts but I don't think I have ever accomplished one.

Since I have been asked by so many people... I now present to you a description of what I'm going back to school for (taken directly from their website):

"Veterinary Technicians are essential members of the veterinary health care team. A Registered Veterinary Technician will support and augment the technical capabilities of many fields that involve animal care, including private veterinary practice, biomedical research, herd health management, teaching, zoological parks, and government services. Under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian, a technician may perform a variety of duties including: intensive nursing care, clinical laboratory procedures, radiology, anesthesiology, dentistry, surgical assistance. A graduate will also have an in-depth understanding of the fundamentals of animal husbandry, management, and nursing care for a variety of species."

More or less it means I will be assisting the "actual" vet draw blood, run lab tests, etc... I ultimately would like to work for the SPCA, Humane Society or some other rescue-type organization. It's not that clinic work isn't fascinating... because it is... it's just not where I want to be forever.

Going back to school has been... weird. Trying to juggle that and working full time has been exhausting. I'm only a week in and I'm stressing about being behind... already. Blah. Husband is having to tutor me in my math class. It's been years since I took a math class and the last one I successfully completed was some weird math class for liberal arts majors. I hate math. I think he hates trying to help me because I'm such a lost cause. lol I'm not sure about my other two classes yet. Only time will tell.

Things at work are pretty good. There are a few things still up in the air as far as my schedule goes but I'm trying to be patient. I have a hard time when things aren't written in stone but... that's life. At least I'm through with banking. That's what I keep telling myself.

Oh yea... New Hampshire you suck. You know what you did.

I finally managed to obtain a copy of Guitar Hero 3 for the Wii and Husband has been obsessively playing ever since. I played it once... Butthead.

I had more to blog about but I'm running out of steam. I've been awake since 5:30. Naptime.


Anonymous said...

Good luck with school. You have picked the perfect profession for yourself (in my opinion). And yeah, I hate Math, too!

Turner said...

I had a long, tiring shitty day today. I got home, checked my various sites on the net and took a quick glimpse at your blog to see if you'd updated.

You had.

The line "Oh yeah... New Hampshire, you suck. You know what you did." Man me laugh aloud for the first time the entire day and helped me go to bed feeling a little bit better.

Love ya sis.